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Allplus is reinventing your outdoor living spaces with a new alfresco essential – the Xzone gazebo. Specializing in fully recyclable aluminum furniture for indoors and out, this European company combines design and technology, research and creativity, and oodles of innovation. And now, getting you summer ready, this gorgeous gazebo is a versatile, modular design that will suit any outdoor area, regardless of its shape or size. Whether your outdoor living space is a small deck or a sprawling backyard garden, there’s a perfect place for the Xzone. Create a poolside paradise, or pair it with a table and chairs for a shady spot to sip your cocktails in the heat of the day. And if you love to entertain, this gazebo is a must for your alfresco soirees – spring, summer or fall! Just fire up the barbecue, crack open some cool drinks and you’re made in the shade.