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/ 10:53 AM /

The first step is to take some time to sit down and think how you would like to the bathroom to look once you are finished. Draw a plan if you'd like; but certainly make a note of everything you want to include; and list them in order of importance. But, do be aware that you may have to compromise over a few areas depending on budget and availability.
One thing to ensure you work into your designs is a mirror. This should be fitted to the largest wall in the bathroom; and should be the biggest you can possibly get into the area. If space really is at a premium; you could consider going for a number of smaller mirrors interspersed throughout the room. However, for sheer practicality alone, a large mirror is best.
The mirror will also add a touch of light and space to the bathroom suite. Another way to help this effect, is through the addition of tiles; the glossier the better. Also easy to clean, some remarkable designs can be made with different colors and styles of tile.
Sticking with tiles, these can work to heighten the space too; with a border towards the top of the wall. On the floor too; having concentric or interlinking circles can draw the eye and subsequently widen the space.
If you are updating the whole suite; fittings and plumbing included, consider changing the lay out. This may give you more space of course, whilst also giving you the chance to try new designs and innovations. Do be careful if changing the plumbing however; as this can be expensive, time consuming and troublesome.
There are some excellent new suites for smaller bathrooms available, as there is a move to city living and so on. However, do pay attention to online auction sites and clearance depots which may just save you a buck or two to put to other areas needing attention.
When replacing an old suite; it can be all too easy to get attracted by glossy designs and vibrant colors. However, in any bathroom suite, most notably one of smaller size, the best color to go with is pure white. If color is your thing, remember you can always add touches of color through linen, mats and even shower curtains.
Getting the basics right when designing your bathroom suite, will help the longevity of the bathroom itself and how you appreciate it. Once all this has been settled, you can not only enjoy 'dressing' the space with towels, face cloths, ornamental containers, flowers and the ubiquitous candles; but can also look forward to relaxing in a hot bath enjoying the fruits of your labor.
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