When you've been looking around your room and "found" all in its core, you can start with the process of throwing things out, yes it's difficult, we do become attached to our belongings, it defines our personal in a peculiar way.
Make a list with the things you're the most attached to in the room, and basically throw away those that are least functional and least appealing to keep: essentially things that only take place without having any purpose. The key to make a home more organized is function, having various storages, organize so that you know where everything is located and having a plan and perception of your own needs.
Get rid of unnecessary furniture that you don't need and get rid of broken material. Clutter doesn't always need to be big furniture either, it can be small things that lie around and disturb our living without us reflecting much on them. Small things like paper, worthless ink pens, and valueless gifts that we never liked in the first place. Take your time and organize each room at a time. Hold back to look things over and as you create a list on your top favorite things and divest yourself of the ones that are last on your list, you'll get more control of your home.
This goes for the things stuffed in your closet and under your bed as well, make a list for the closet items and old clothes. You can always give away things for charity, this will make it easier to distance yourself from your belongings.
It will take some time and patience but in the end it'll be worth it. You'll feel much more at ease when all the clutter is gone and your home will become more practical.
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